Zeus & Ganymeade Progress

oil on panel. 7 in x 11 in

Calydonian Boar

11/19/22 - 11 in x 14 in oil on panel, laying in first color layer on this wooly boar and co.

Ellen Tanner Ellen Tanner

Spring/Summer Wrap-Up

Plenty of loose ends to tie up on all of these works from the past 6 months or so, but the end is in sight…

Detail of Io and Argos, 8in x 17.5in. Starting to lay in flesh tones on Argos and Hermes.

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Ellen Tanner Ellen Tanner

Steady Progress

I am building up color on this painting slowly but surely. I actually ventured out with a new blue on the palette (Gamblin Cerulean Blue) to try for a new pop of color in this new one. We shall see if I can get everything to harmonize in the end.

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